
struct _lv_textarea_t
#include <lv_textarea_private.h>

Data of text area

Public Members

lv_obj_t obj
lv_obj_t *label

Label of the text area

char *placeholder_txt

Place holder label. only visible if text is an empty string

char *pwd_tmp

Used to store the original text in password mode

char *pwd_bullet

Replacement characters displayed in password mode

const char *accepted_chars

Only these characters will be accepted. NULL: accept all

uint32_t max_length

The max. number of characters. 0: no limit

uint32_t pwd_show_time

Time to show characters in password mode before change them to '*'

int32_t valid_x

Used when stepping up/down to a shorter line. (Used by the library)

uint32_t pos

The current cursor position (0: before 1st letter; 1: before 2nd letter ...)

lv_area_t area

Cursor area relative to the Text Area

uint32_t txt_byte_pos

Byte index of the letter after (on) the cursor

uint8_t show

Cursor is visible now or not (Handled by the library)

uint8_t click_pos

1: Enable positioning the cursor by clicking the text area

struct _lv_textarea_t cursor
uint32_t sel_start

Temporary values for text selection

uint32_t sel_end
uint8_t text_sel_in_prog

User is in process of selecting

uint8_t text_sel_en

Text can be selected on this text area

uint8_t pwd_mode

Replace characters with '*'

uint8_t one_line

One line mode (ignore line breaks)