struct _lv_chart_series_t
- #include <lv_chart_private.h>
Descriptor a chart series
struct _lv_chart_cursor_t
Public Members
lv_point_t pos
int32_t point_id
lv_color_t color
lv_chart_series_t *ser
uint32_t pos_set
1: pos is set; 0: point_id is set
lv_point_t pos
struct _lv_chart_t
Public Members
lv_obj_t obj
int32_t ymin[2]
int32_t ymax[2]
int32_t xmin[2]
int32_t xmax[2]
int32_t pressed_point_id
uint32_t hdiv_cnt
Number of horizontal division lines
uint32_t vdiv_cnt
Number of vertical division lines
uint32_t point_cnt
Number of points in all series
lv_chart_type_t type
Chart type
lv_chart_update_mode_t update_mode
lv_obj_t obj