struct _lv_scale_section_t
Public Members
const lv_style_t *main_style
Style to use for MAIN part(s) of scale when it falls within this section's range
const lv_style_t *indicator_style
Style to use for INDICATOR part(s) of scale when it falls within this section's range
const lv_style_t *items_style
Style to use for ITEMS part(s) of scale when it falls within this section's range
int32_t range_min
Scale parts with value >= this value will be drawn using applicable style.
int32_t range_max
Scale parts with value <= this value will be drawn using applicable style.
uint32_t first_tick_idx_in_section
Internal (set during drawing): Tick index of first tick that falls within this section; LV_SCALE_TICK_IDX_DEFAULT_ID if section contains no ticks.
uint32_t last_tick_idx_in_section
Internal (set during drawing): Tick index of last tick that falls within this section; LV_SCALE_TICK_IDX_DEFAULT_ID if section contains no ticks.
int32_t first_tick_in_section_width
Internal (set during drawing)
int32_t last_tick_in_section_width
Internal (set during drawing)
lv_point_t first_tick_in_section
Internal (set during drawing)
lv_point_t last_tick_in_section
Internal (set during drawing)
uint32_t first_tick_idx_is_major
Internal (set during drawing): true if
represents a major tick.
uint32_t last_tick_idx_is_major
Internal (set during drawing): true if
represents a major tick.
const lv_style_t *main_style
struct _lv_scale_t
Public Members
lv_obj_t obj
Base Widget part of Scale
const char **txt_src
Optional list of text strings for major ticks when custom labels are provided.
lv_scale_mode_t mode
Orientation and layout of scale.
int32_t range_min
Scale's minimum value
int32_t range_max
Scale's maximum value
uint32_t total_tick_count
Total number of ticks (major and minor)
uint32_t major_tick_every
Frequency of major ticks to minor ticks
uint32_t label_enabled
Draw labels for major ticks?
uint32_t post_draw
false: drawing occurs during LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN; true : drawing occurs during LV_EVENT_DRAW_POST.
uint32_t draw_ticks_on_top
Draw ticks on top of main line?
uint32_t angle_range
Degrees between low end and high end of scale
int32_t rotation
Clockwise angular offset from 3-o'clock position of low end of scale
int32_t custom_label_cnt
Number of custom labels provided in
int32_t last_tick_width
Width of last tick in pixels
int32_t first_tick_width
Width of first tick in pixels
lv_obj_t obj