Array. The elements are dynamically allocated by the 'lv_mem' module.
void lv_array_init(lv_array_t *array, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t element_size)
Init an array.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable to initializecapacity – the initial capacity of the array
element_size – the size of an element in bytes
void lv_array_init_from_buf(lv_array_t *array, void *buf, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t element_size)
Init an array from a buffer.
The buffer must be large enough to store
elements. The array will not release the buffer and reallocate it. The user must ensure that the buffer is valid during the lifetime of the array. And release the buffer when the array is no longer needed.- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable to initializebuf – pointer to a buffer to use as the array's data
capacity – the initial capacity of the array
element_size – the size of an element in bytes
bool lv_array_resize(lv_array_t *array, uint32_t new_capacity)
Resize the array to the given capacity.
if the new capacity is smaller than the current size, the array will be truncated.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variablenew_capacity – the new capacity of the array
void lv_array_deinit(lv_array_t *array)
Deinit the array, and free the allocated memory
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable to deinitialize
static inline uint32_t lv_array_size(const lv_array_t *array)
Return how many elements are stored in the array.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable- Returns:
the number of elements stored in the array
static inline uint32_t lv_array_capacity(const lv_array_t *array)
Return the capacity of the array, i.e. how many elements can be stored.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable- Returns:
the capacity of the array
static inline bool lv_array_is_empty(const lv_array_t *array)
Return if the array is empty
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable- Returns:
true: array is empty; false: array is not empty
static inline bool lv_array_is_full(const lv_array_t *array)
Return if the array is full
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable- Returns:
true: array is full; false: array is not full
void lv_array_copy(lv_array_t *target, const lv_array_t *source)
Copy an array to another.
this will create a new array with the same capacity and size as the source array.
- Parameters:
target – pointer to an
variable to copy tosource – pointer to an
variable to copy from
static inline void lv_array_clear(lv_array_t *array)
Remove all elements in array.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
void lv_array_shrink(lv_array_t *array)
Shrink the memory capacity of array if necessary.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
lv_result_t lv_array_remove(lv_array_t *array, uint32_t index)
Remove the element at the specified position in the array.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variableindex – the index of the element to remove
- Returns:
LV_RESULT_OK: success, otherwise: error
lv_result_t lv_array_erase(lv_array_t *array, uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
Remove from the array either a single element or a range of elements ([start, end)).
This effectively reduces the container size by the number of elements removed.
When start equals to end, the function has no effect.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variablestart – the index of the first element to be removed
end – the index of the first element that is not to be removed
- Returns:
LV_RESULT_OK: success, otherwise: error
lv_result_t lv_array_concat(lv_array_t *array, const lv_array_t *other)
Concatenate two arrays. Adds new elements to the end of the array.
The destination array is automatically expanded as necessary.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variableother – pointer to the array to concatenate
- Returns:
LV_RESULT_OK: success, otherwise: error
lv_result_t lv_array_push_back(lv_array_t *array, const void *element)
Push back element. Adds a new element to the end of the array. If the array capacity is not enough for the new element, the array will be resized automatically.
If the element is NULL, it will be added as an empty element.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variableelement – pointer to the element to add. NULL to push an empty element.
- Returns:
LV_RESULT_OK: success, otherwise: error
lv_result_t lv_array_assign(lv_array_t *array, uint32_t index, const void *value)
Assigns one content to the array, replacing its current content.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variableindex – the index of the element to replace
value – pointer to the elements to add
- Returns:
true: success; false: error
void *lv_array_at(const lv_array_t *array, uint32_t index)
Returns a pointer to the element at position n in the array.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variableindex – the index of the element to return
- Returns:
a pointer to the requested element, NULL if
is out of range
static inline void *lv_array_front(const lv_array_t *array)
Returns a pointer to the first element in the array.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
variable- Returns:
a pointer to the first element in the array
static inline void *lv_array_back(const lv_array_t *array)
Returns a pointer to the last element in the array.
- Parameters:
array – pointer to an
struct _lv_array_t
- #include <lv_array.h>
Description of a array