typedef struct _lv_cache_ops_t lv_cache_ops_t
typedef struct _lv_cache_class_t lv_cache_class_t
typedef int8_t lv_cache_compare_res_t
typedef bool (*lv_cache_create_cb_t)(void *node, void *user_data)
typedef void (*lv_cache_free_cb_t)(void *node, void *user_data)
typedef lv_cache_compare_res_t (*lv_cache_compare_cb_t)(const void *a, const void *b)
typedef void *(*lv_cache_alloc_cb_t)(void)
The cache instance allocation function, used by the cache class to allocate memory for cache instances.
- Return:
It should return a pointer to the allocated instance.
typedef bool (*lv_cache_init_cb_t)(lv_cache_t *cache)
The cache instance initialization function, used by the cache class to initialize the cache instance.
- Return:
It should return true if the initialization is successful, false otherwise.
typedef void (*lv_cache_destroy_cb_t)(lv_cache_t *cache, void *user_data)
The cache instance destruction function, used by the cache class to destroy the cache instance.
typedef lv_cache_entry_t *(*lv_cache_get_cb_t)(lv_cache_t *cache, const void *key, void *user_data)
The cache get function, used by the cache class to get a cache entry by its key.
- Return:
if the key is not found.
typedef lv_cache_entry_t *(*lv_cache_add_cb_t)(lv_cache_t *cache, const void *key, void *user_data)
The cache add function, used by the cache class to add a cache entry with a given key. This function only cares about how to add the entry, it doesn't check if the entry already exists and doesn't care about is it a victim or not.
- Return:
the added cache entry, or NULL if the entry is not added.
typedef void (*lv_cache_remove_cb_t)(lv_cache_t *cache, lv_cache_entry_t *entry, void *user_data)
The cache remove function, used by the cache class to remove a cache entry from the cache but doesn't free the memory.. This function only cares about how to remove the entry, it doesn't care about is it a victim or not.
typedef void (*lv_cache_drop_cb_t)(lv_cache_t *cache, const void *key, void *user_data)
The cache drop function, used by the cache class to remove a cache entry from the cache and free the memory.
typedef void (*lv_cache_drop_all_cb_t)(lv_cache_t *cache, void *user_data)
The cache drop all function, used by the cache class to remove all cache entries from the cache and free the memory.
typedef lv_cache_entry_t *(*lv_cache_get_victim_cb)(lv_cache_t *cache, void *user_data)
The cache get victim function, used by the cache class to get a victim entry to be evicted.
typedef lv_cache_reserve_cond_res_t (*lv_cache_reserve_cond_cb)(lv_cache_t *cache, const void *key, size_t size, void *user_data)
The cache reserve condition function, used by the cache class to check if a new entry can be added to the cache without exceeding its maximum size. See lv_cache_reserve_cond_res_t for the possible results.
typedef lv_iter_t *(*lv_cache_iter_create_cb)(lv_cache_t *cache)
The cache iterator creation function, used by the cache class to create an iterator for the cache.
- Return:
A pointer to the created iterator, or NULL if the iterator cannot be created.
typedef struct _lv_cache_slot_size_t lv_cache_slot_size_t
enum lv_cache_reserve_cond_res_t
The result of the cache reserve condition callback
The condition is met and no entries need to be evicted
The condition is not met and the reserve size is too large
The condition is not met and a victim is needed to be evicted
An error occurred while checking the condition
struct _lv_cache_ops_t
- #include <lv_cache_private.h>
The cache operations struct
Public Members
lv_cache_compare_cb_t compare_cb
Compare function for keys
lv_cache_create_cb_t create_cb
Create function for nodes
lv_cache_free_cb_t free_cb
Free function for nodes
lv_cache_compare_cb_t compare_cb
struct _lv_cache_t
- #include <lv_cache_private.h>
The cache entry struct
Public Members
const lv_cache_class_t *clz
Cache class. There are two built-in classes:
lv_cache_class_lru_rb_count for LRU-based cache with count-based eviction policy.
lv_cache_class_lru_rb_size for LRU-based cache with size-based eviction policy.
uint32_t node_size
Size of a node
uint32_t max_size
Maximum size of the cache
uint32_t size
Current size of the cache
lv_cache_ops_t ops
Cache operations struct _lv_cache_ops_t
lv_mutex_t lock
Cache lock used to protect the cache in multithreading environments
const char *name
Name of the cache
const lv_cache_class_t *clz
struct _lv_cache_class_t
- #include <lv_cache_private.h>
Cache class struct for building custom cache classes
lv_cache_class_lru_rb_count for LRU-based cache with count-based eviction policy.
lv_cache_class_lru_rb_size for LRU-based cache with size-based eviction policy.
Public Members
lv_cache_alloc_cb_t alloc_cb
The allocation function for cache entries
lv_cache_init_cb_t init_cb
The initialization function for cache entries
lv_cache_destroy_cb_t destroy_cb
The destruction function for cache entries
lv_cache_get_cb_t get_cb
The get function for cache entries
lv_cache_add_cb_t add_cb
The add function for cache entries
lv_cache_remove_cb_t remove_cb
The remove function for cache entries
lv_cache_drop_cb_t drop_cb
The drop function for cache entries
lv_cache_drop_all_cb_t drop_all_cb
The drop all function for cache entries
lv_cache_get_victim_cb get_victim_cb
The get victim function for cache entries
lv_cache_reserve_cond_cb reserve_cond_cb
The reserve condition function for cache entries
lv_cache_iter_create_cb iter_create_cb
The iterator creation function for cache entries