typedef const void *(*lv_imgfont_get_path_cb_t)(const lv_font_t *font, uint32_t unicode, uint32_t unicode_next, int32_t *offset_y, void *user_data)
lv_font_t *lv_imgfont_create(uint16_t height, lv_imgfont_get_path_cb_t path_cb, void *user_data)
Creates a image font with info parameter specified.
- Parameters:
height – font size
path_cb – a function to get the image path name of character.
user_data – pointer to user data
- Returns:
pointer to the new imgfont or NULL if create error.
void lv_imgfont_destroy(lv_font_t *font)
Destroy a image font that has been created.
- Parameters:
font – pointer to image font handle.