struct _lv_image_t
- #include <lv_image_private.h>
Data of image
Public Members
lv_obj_t obj
const void *src
Image source: Pointer to an array or a file or a symbol
const lv_image_dsc_t *bitmap_mask_src
Pointer to an A8 bitmap mask
lv_point_t offset
int32_t w
Width of the image (Handled by the library)
int32_t h
Height of the image (Handled by the library)
uint32_t rotation
Rotation angle of the image
uint32_t scale_x
256 means no zoom, 512 double size, 128 half size
uint32_t scale_y
256 means no zoom, 512 double size, 128 half size
lv_point_t pivot
Rotation center of the image
uint32_t src_type
See: lv_image_src_t
uint32_t cf
Color format from
uint32_t antialias
Apply anti-aliasing in transformations (rotate, zoom)
uint32_t align
Image size mode when image size and object size is different. See lv_image_align_t
uint32_t blend_mode
Element of
lv_obj_t obj