uint32_t lv_text_get_next_line(const char *txt, uint32_t len, const lv_font_t *font, int32_t letter_space, int32_t max_width, int32_t *used_width, lv_text_flag_t flag)
Get the next line of text. Check line length and break chars too.
- Parameters:
txt – a '\0' terminated string
len – length of 'txt' in bytes
font – pointer to a font
letter_space – letter space
max_width – max width of the text (break the lines to fit this size). Set COORD_MAX to avoid line breaks
used_width – When used_width != NULL, save the width of this line if flag == LV_TEXT_FLAG_NONE, otherwise save -1.
flag – settings for the text from 'txt_flag_type' enum
- Returns:
the index of the first char of the new line (in byte index not letter index. With UTF-8 they are different)
void lv_text_ins(char *txt_buf, uint32_t pos, const char *ins_txt)
Insert a string into another
- Parameters:
txt_buf – the original text (must be big enough for the result text and NULL terminated)
pos – position to insert (0: before the original text, 1: after the first char etc.)
ins_txt – text to insert, must be '\0' terminated
void lv_text_cut(char *txt, uint32_t pos, uint32_t len)
Delete a part of a string
- Parameters:
txt – string to modify, must be '\0' terminated and should point to a heap or stack frame, not read-only memory.
pos – position where to start the deleting (0: before the first char, 1: after the first char etc.)
len – number of characters to delete
char *lv_text_set_text_vfmt(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
return a new formatted text. Memory will be allocated to store the text.
- Parameters:
fmt –
-like formatap – items to print
- Returns:
pointer to the allocated text string.
void lv_text_encoded_letter_next_2(const char *txt, uint32_t *letter, uint32_t *letter_next, uint32_t *ofs)
Decode two encoded character from a string.
- Parameters:
txt – pointer to '\0' terminated string
letter – the first decoded Unicode character or 0 on invalid data code
letter_next – the second decoded Unicode character or 0 on invalid data code
ofs – start index in 'txt' where to start. After the call it will point to the next encoded char in 'txt'. NULL to use txt[0] as index
static inline bool lv_text_is_break_char(uint32_t letter)
Test if char is break char or not (a text can broken here or not)
- Parameters:
letter – a letter
- Returns:
false: 'letter' is not break char
static inline bool lv_text_is_a_word(uint32_t letter)
Test if char is break char or not (a text can broken here or not)
- Parameters:
letter – a letter
- Returns:
false: 'letter' is not break char
static inline bool lv_text_is_marker(uint32_t letter)
Test if character can be treated as marker, and don't need to be rendered. Note, this is not a full list. Add your findings to the list.
- Parameters:
letter – a letter
- Returns:
true if so
uint8_t (*const lv_text_encoded_size)(const char *txt)
Give the size of an encoded character
- Param txt:
pointer to a character in a string
- Return:
length of the encoded character (1,2,3 ...). O in invalid
uint32_t (*const lv_text_unicode_to_encoded)(uint32_t letter_uni)
Convert a Unicode letter to encoded
- Param letter_uni:
a Unicode letter
- Return:
Encoded character in Little Endian to be compatible with C chars (e.g. 'Á', 'Ü')
uint32_t (*const lv_text_encoded_conv_wc)(uint32_t c)
Convert a wide character, e.g. 'Á' little endian to be compatible with the encoded format.
- Param c:
a wide character
- Return:
in the encoded format
uint32_t (*const lv_text_encoded_next)(const char *txt, uint32_t *i_start)
Decode the next encoded character from a string.
- Param txt:
pointer to '\0' terminated string
- Param i_start:
start index in 'txt' where to start. After the call it will point to the next encoded char in 'txt'. NULL to use txt[0] as index
- Return:
the decoded Unicode character or 0 on invalid data code
uint32_t (*const lv_text_encoded_prev)(const char *txt, uint32_t *i_start)
Get the previous encoded character form a string.
- Param txt:
pointer to '\0' terminated string
- Param i_start:
index in 'txt' where to start. After the call it will point to the previous encoded char in 'txt'.
- Return:
the decoded Unicode character or 0 on invalid data
uint32_t (*const lv_text_encoded_get_byte_id)(const char *txt, uint32_t utf8_id)
Convert a letter index (in the encoded text) to byte index. E.g. in UTF-8 "AÁRT" index of 'R' is 2 but start at byte 3 because 'Á' is 2 bytes long
- Param txt:
a '\0' terminated UTF-8 string
- Param utf8_id:
character index
- Return:
byte index of the 'enc_id'th letter
uint32_t (*const lv_text_encoded_get_char_id)(const char *txt, uint32_t byte_id)
Convert a byte index (in an encoded text) to character index. E.g. in UTF-8 "AÁRT" index of 'R' is 2 but start at byte 3 because 'Á' is 2 bytes long
- Param txt:
a '\0' terminated UTF-8 string
- Param byte_id:
byte index
- Return:
character index of the letter at 'byte_id'th position
uint32_t (*const lv_text_get_encoded_length)(const char *txt)
Get the number of characters (and NOT bytes) in a string. E.g. in UTF-8 "ÁBC" is 3 characters (but 4 bytes)
- Param txt:
a '\0' terminated char string
- Return:
number of characters