My Experience with Dr.Explain

by Victor Wheeler

Add Alternate Wordings

The next step is listing alternate ways people think of what you have already listed.  This applies both to each noun in the left column, as well as to the context items you created, and can include alternate spellings as well as synonyms.  For example, in American English, there can be a number of terms that refer to the same object or subject.  If you combine American and British English, there are even more.
So we supplement our growing list.  Here, I show alternate wording notes in red.
water (H2O [not appropriate as an index entry, but could be a referral entry that says "see 'water'"])
    percentage in body (from "percent")
    body holding onto it (from "it")
    lack of (from "it")
    not drinking enough (from "enough")
    drinking enough (also from "enough" later in para)
    carrying nutrients to cells
    carrying waste from cells
    role in weight loss
losing weight fast (section),
weight loss (chapter),
care of your body (book)
nutrients (nutrition, nourishment, food)
water as a transport medium for ... to cells
water carrying nutrients to ...
water carrying waste from ...
waste (cellular excretion, byproducts)
water carrying ... from cells
water weight
retention due to lack of water
high ... in diet causing water retention
diets (regimen, nutritional regimen)
containing high sodium may cause water retention
water retention
due to lack of water
due to high-sodium diets
due to a woman's menstrual cycle
impact on, from drinking enough water
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